Introducing Lake Baringo

Tucked away at the bottom of the Rift Valley is Lake Baringo, a bank of natural wonders yet to be exploited as a getaway. The beauty of Baringo and her surrounds is legendary — spectacular sunsets, a dazzling array of colourful bird life and Njemps fishermen.

The lake is one of the two freshwater lakes in the Rift Valley in Kenya, the other being Lake Naivasha. It lies off the beaten track in a hot and dusty setting and over 470 species of birds have been recorded there, occasionally including migrating flamingos. A Goliath heronry is located on a rocky islet in the lake known as Gibraltar. Additionally the area is a habitat for many species of animals including the hippopotamus, Nile crocodile and many other mammals, amphibians, reptiles and the invertebrate communities.

njempsThere are seven islands on the lake, namely Lokoros, Rongena, Lengai, Samatian, Olkokwa, Parmolos and the Devil’s Island. It’s the myth of this deserted island that most find interesting, as communities in the area have given it a wide berth. According to the Njemps, no one lives on the island following beliefs that it is the home of devils. The locals claim a bluish fire burns in the area at night and the devils call out names of people who dare row around the island after sunset.

Fishermen drawn from four communities — Njemps, Turkana, Pokot and Tugen — avoid the waters around the island lest something bad happens to them. Ironically, unlike most fishing expeditions where a boat has at least four fishermen, it is one per vessel in Lake Baringo. Furthermore, the fishing vessels are made from hollow indigenous trees, which enable them float despite looking so unstable


  1. This is really informative thank you

    1. It would be great to revisit Kenya again and enjoy the serene eenvironment

  2. What a nice article. It keeps me reading more and more!

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